Serve Lunch at the Open Door Mission, Sunday, January 9th.
Spaghetti Feed to raise funds for Ken Gruber’s Hip Replacement, Sunday, January 23rd, 1 to 5pm, Sword of the Spirit School Gymnasium, 26th and F Streets
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile,we are all one in Messiah Yeshua.” Galatians 3:28.
Life is futile unless you are a JEWTILE.
Welcome to Adat Hatikvat Tzion (The Hope of Zion Congregation). We are a Messianic Congregation. We are a place where Jewish and Gentile can worship together. We have broken down the middle wall of partition, which separates us, and have created one new man as it says in Ephesians 2:14-15.
At Adat Hatikvat Tzion, you will find a group of people who share their love for their fellow man and their love for Israel. We believe that G-d (HaShem) has a plan and His plan involves the Jewish people. We believe that His son, Jesus (Yeshua) is the Messiah (HaMashiach) and that He is coming back. We believe that that will be very soon. Until He does however, we plan to worship as a congregation every Saturday at 10 a.m. You are welcome here always.