The Montessori School for Young Children has been providing a quality Montessori education experience in the Lincoln community for more than 30 years.
Welcome to the website of the Montessori School for Young Children.
We are now enrolling for our PM Preschool Program and accepting wait list applications for our AM and all-day Preschool Programs and our Toddler Program.
Find the scholarship application form for the 2010-2011 year here.
If you designate MSYC as your supported school when you use your Target credit card, we receive a donation of 5% of your purchase price.
Did you know that MSYC receives a $3 Office Max credit for each used computer printer ink cartridge we give to them? Please donate any used ink cartridges to the school. Thanks!
MSYC is collecting Box Tops for Education from products sold by Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Hefty, Cottonelle, Viva, Green Giant, Ziploc, Total, Yoplait, and others that will result in the school receiving cash for field-trips, family fun nights, and more! The school is also collecting Labels for Education through Campbell s Soup. There is a Labels for Education donation unit in the school office where families can place BOTH the Box Tops for Education and the Labels for Education. Please remind your friends and family to save these labels for MSYC!
The Association Montessori Internationale / USA (AMI/USA) is AMI's branch office in the United States, and offers teacher training at several sites.
The North American Montessori Teachers Association (NAMTA) is a source of information about Montessori research, training, and education, publishing resources for parents, offering regional conferences for teachers, and editing The NAMTA Journal.
The American Montessori Society (AMS) is a non-profit service organization dedicated to stimulating the use of the Montessori teaching approach in private and public schools; it trains teachers and accredits schools.
Montessori Online is the online resource center provided by the Montessori Foundation (publishers of Tomorrow's Child magazine) and the International Montessori Council.
To promote and encourage the intellectual, social and physical development of children through education according to the Montessori method.