The safest method is to have your system "blown-out" or winterized with pressurized air. By having the system purged with air, it ensures that all the water has exited the system and will prevent unwanted damage come next spring. There are several precautions to take when "blowing-out" your sprinklers. If your system is not "blown-out" correctly you may cause damage to your backflow device and or the irrigation system itself. To make certain your system has been winterized correctly call Danielle at (402) 438.8151 to schedule an appointment with Jeremy or Tyler. Your sprinkler system will thank you.
Want to see a winterization in process? Check out this quick video.
You already know and trust The Professionals at Hunt Irrigation for great sprinkler service. What you may not know is that we also offer a full line of commercial snow removal services, including snow plowing, snow blowing and salt and sanding services. If requested we can also offer off site removal. Let the Snow Busters at Hunt Irrigation keep you out of the cold and in the clear this winter. Call Danielle today at (402) 438.8151 to schedule a time for a snow removal consultation.
Hunt Irrigation, Inc. Your Backflow Experts