The Men's Chorus Since 1991, this group of six men has grown to more than thirty, and proves the quest for Deutsche Volkslieder is infectious! "Wir wandern ohne Sorgen ..." and carry the spirited singing tradition to the community. Join them eve...
A German Four Part Choir The Sngerchor, a mixed chorus, evolved from a combination of two early singing organizations - the Omaha Musik Verein, an all male group, and the Concordia Ladies Singing Society. The songs are mainly German and sung i...
A Ladies' Club Heimatfreunde meets on the fourth Thursday of each month, except in the summer. The women volunteer their time at Society functions, provide a consignment shop for German articles, staff the library and gift shop, and have a Chri...
Heimat Tnzer
Sitt und Tracht der Alten, wollen wir erhalten. The Heimat Tnzer's purpose is to preserve German Folk Dance and Tracht (traditional dress). Practice is every Tuesday evening. There is an adult group as well as a group for children. The Heimat...
Skat Klub
I bid Grande! Germans brought this card game with them to America and it still remains popular in German-American communities such as Omaha. Our Skat Klub plays on the first Friday of the Month. Beginner nights are held the third Friday of eac...
Freundschaft Tanz Club
May I have this dance? The club meets monthly for an evening of dancing and socializing. Meetings are normally held the last Tuesday of each month except for the months of May, when the meeting is held the Tuesday before Memorial Day, and Novem...
Die Rosen
A Women's Fellowship This women's organization focuses on fellowship and merriment at their meetings, which are held the second Monday evening of each month. In addition to socializing, the group includes other entertainments. OFFICERS Erste R...
The Brs A Men's Club Meets the 4th Thursday of the month Founded in 1893, the Brenbrut is one of the oldest of the sub-organizations. While some mystique may surround some of its customs and traditions, there is no mystery about the Brs ...
Air Rifle Shooting Association The S.V. Omaha has an old German heritage. Using German-crafted air pellet rifles, the S.V. Omaha holds shooting practices on the second Sunday afternoon of the month...
South Hall for your next party.
To assure a great party, take advantage of our beautiful facility, fantastic food, and professional service.
The German-American Society has a long, rich history. Officially founded in 1884 by a few individuals, membership grew to over 300 by 1901. These dedicated early members understood the importance of building a clubhouse for the future growth and stability of the Society.
The new building was completed in June 1908 and on the cornerstone of the building was inscribed