We hope that you will find our site informative and useful. Our goal is to provide the highest quality legal services to you and your business in a timely fashion through the use of innovative legal methods. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you and to discuss how we may be of service.
Each of our attorneys possesses superior legal training and skill, as well as ethical character of the highest caliber. We offer personalized, accessible service to meet the exacting, technical needs of our clients. While our greatest priority is to deliver the highest standard of client service, we are also committed to providing exceptional value to our clients by addressing their problems and opportunities in an efficient and pragmatic manner.
In short, our philosophy is to provide exceptional legal service in a timely, efficient and confidential manner, with careful attention to the legal, financial and practical aspects of every transaction. Our size allows us to provide personalized service, and our experience and expertise allow us to ensure that our clients receive the highest level of service and professional conduct possible.
We are not paid a contingent fee out of your TTD benefits while you are off work and the insurance company will voluntarily pay.
We are happy to refer you to our many satisfied clients.