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Childrens Discovery Center
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Twos (18 months - 36 months) - Our toddlers enjoy active play developing their social and motor skills while learning to share and follow directions.
AddressOmaha, NE 68144-
Phone(402) 333-5032
Welcome to Childrens Discovery Center, your familys complete childcare provider.
Choosing the care of your child is one of the most important decisions you will make during these early formative years.
Our goal at Childrens Discovery Center is to help you produce a happy, healthy, well-adjusted child eager and equipped to meet lifes challenges.
Experienced professionals trained in early childhood development as well as CPR and first aid staff our licensed facility. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday between 6:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Infants (6 weeks - 6 months) - Our Tiny Infants thrive in a safe, loving environment encouraging stimulating interaction between infant and caregiver.
Infants II (6 months - 12 months) - Our big infants room encourages mobility and focuses on developing social skills.
Ones (12 months - 18 months) - Our one's enjoy active play developing their social and motor skills. Singing, dancing, storytime and circletime (which is hands on learning: ABC, color's, shapes, and sign language).
Twos (18 months - 36 months) - Our toddlers enjoy active play developing their social and motor skills while learning to share and follow directions. Singing, dancing, games and story time are all a part of our day. We schedule a "quiet time" immediately after lunch to rest and re-energize. CDC also encourages potty training with the older children in this room. Our potty train methods are based off positive reinforcement at school and home.
Threes, Fours and Fives (3 years - 5 years) - Our preschool is centered on "hands-on" learning stations designed to enrich their creative and social skills. Our curriculum includes a morning segment between 9:00am and 11:00am focused on developing manipulative skills, dramatic play, science, art, reading and music. The remainder of our day is devoted to physical fitness, quiet time, craft time and social play.
School age Program takes place during the Summer months - we offer a structured curricuulum, field trips, and lots of age appropriate activities.
We offer a large outdoor playground with climbing and play equipment. All age groups enjoy supervised outdoor fun and games, when the weather permits.

Toys from home are discouraged as they can "get lost" or create problems with sharing. Encourage your youngster to leave toys at home or in the car. Security items are permissible and kept in their cubbies until rest time. Comfortable, inexpensive clothing is best as your child will be at play. Parents provide diapers and wipes.

Children's Discovery Center is enrolled in the CACFP food program - we offer breakfast, a nutritous lunch and an afternoon snack. Special dietary restrictions must be related to your child's caregiver followed with a doctor's note.
CDC provides formula, baby food, and infant cereal if you accept the formula of CDC's choice. If not the parent is then responsible for providing the formula of their choice.

To protect all of our children from exposure to illness or disease, we ask that you keep your child at home if any of the following symptoms appear:

If your child develops any of these symptoms during the day, you will be notified immediately and asked to have your child picked up from the center as soon as possible. Your child may not return to the center until he/she has been fever/symptom free for a full 24 hours without medication.
Medication will only be administered upon written request from the parent. Inform your childs caregiver/teacher and complete a medication form at the front desk.


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